¿Qué probabilidad hay de que aparezca cada pokémon? [TABLA]
A estas alturas jugando a Pokémon Go ya te habrás dado cuenta que no todos los pokémon aparecen con la misma frecuencia: mientras que Rattatas, Pidgeys o Mankeys aparecen en cada esquina, hay otros que nunca has visto, y que probablmente, tardarás todavía mucho en ver.
Desde PokémonGoChamp han analizado millones de datos obtenidos gracias a la aplicación Pokéradar y han logrado crear una tabla con la probabilidad de aparición de cada tipo de Pokémon. En esta tabla se indica la probabilidad de aparición de cada pokémon en porcentaje, o por cada 10.000 apariciones de pokémon. Además también indican la hora del día a la que es más frecuente encontrarlo. Puedes consultar la tabla a continuación:
Pokémon | Probabilidad de aparición (%) | Aparición media / 10,000 | Aparece especialmente a las… |
Bulbasaur | 0.69% | 69 | 20:26 |
Ivysaur | 0.042% | 4.2 | 07:00 |
Venusaur | 0.017% | 1.7 | 11:30 |
Charmander | 0.253% | 25.3 | 08:45 |
Charmeleon | 0.012% | 1.2 | 19:00 |
Charizard | 0.0031% | 0.31 | 13:34 |
Squirtle | 0.58% | 58 | 04:25 |
Wartortle | 0.034% | 3.4 | 07:02 |
Blastoise | 0.0067% | 0.67 | 12:06 |
Caterpie | 3.032% | 303.2 | 16:35 |
Metapod | 0.187% | 18.7 | 02:11 |
Butterfree | 0.022% | 2.2 | 05:23 |
Weedle | 7.12% | 712 | 02:21 |
Kakuna | 0.44% | 44 | 02:30 |
Beedrill | 0.051% | 5.1 | 04:50 |
Pidgey | 15.98% | 1,598 | 01:34 |
Pidgeotto | 1.02% | 102 | 01:30 |
Pidgeot | 0.13% | 13 | 01:50 |
Rattata | 13.05% | 1,305 | 01:55 |
Raticate | 0.41% | 41 | 01:56 |
Spearow | 4.73% | 473 | 00:25 |
Fearow | 0.15% | 15 | 01:11 |
Ekans | 2.27% | 227 | 00:20 |
Arbok | 0.072% | 7.2 | 01:50 |
Pikachu | 0.21% | 21 | 04:00 |
Raichu | 0.0076% | 0.76 | 23:58 |
Sandshrew | 1.11% | 111 | 01:58 |
Sandslash | 0.037% | 3.7 | 00:34 |
Nidoran (Female) | 1.38% | 138 | 01:51 |
Nidorina | 0.088% | 8.8 | 07:22 |
Nidoqueen | 0.012% | 1.2 | 00:35 |
Nidoran (Male) | 1.31% | 131 | 01:12 |
Nidorino | 0.083% | 8.3 | 09:02 |
Nidoking | 0.017% | 1.7 | 00:16 |
Clefairy | 0.92% | 92 | 03:30 |
Clefable | 0.012% | 1.2 | 03:29 |
Vulpix | 0.22% | 22 | 13:43 |
Ninetails | 0.0077% | 0.77 | 01:32 |
Jigglypuff | 0.39% | 39 | 08:46 |
Wigglytuff | 0.018% | 1.8 | 00:28 |
Zubat | 6.52% | 652 | 00:28 |
Golbat | 0.42% | 42 | 02:15 |
Oddish | 1.02% | 102 | 03:58 |
Gloom | 0.064% | 6.4 | 11:33 |
Vileplume | 0.0097% | 0.97 | 23:58 |
Paras | 2.36% | 236 | 01:42 |
Parasect | 0.074% | 7.4 | 01:22 |
Venonat | 2.28% | 228 | 02:31 |
Venomoth | 0.072% | 7.2 | 23:40 |
Diglett | 0.40% | 40 | 02:22 |
Dugtrio | 0.014% | 1.4 | 00:37 |
Meowth | 0.86% | 86 | 02:54 |
Persian | 0.022% | 2.2 | 02:44 |
Psyduck | 2.54% | 254 | 03:41 |
Golduck | 0.087% | 8.7 | 23:06 |
Mankey | 0.92% | 92 | 00:52 |
Primeape | 0.031% | 3.1 | 00:33 |
Growlithe | 0.92% | 92 | 03:57 |
Arcanine | 0.017% | 1.7 | 03:11 |
Poliwag | 2.19% | 219 | 03:40 |
Poliwhirl | 0.13% | 13 | 09:14 |
Poliwrath | 0.011% | 1.1 | 01:32 |
Abra | 0.42% | 42 | 04:30 |
Kadabra | 0.027% | 2.7 | 11:25 |
Alakazam | 0.0073% | 0.73 | 00:33 |
Machop | 0.49% | 49 | 01:55 |
Machoke | 0.034% | 3.4 | 10:32 |
Machamp | 0.0068% | 0.68 | 02:55 |
Bellsprout | 1.15% | 115 | 04:10 |
Weepinbell | 0.072% | 7.2 | 09:45 |
Victreebell | 0.0059% | 0.59 | 12:19 |
Tentacool | 0.81% | 81 | 03:20 |
Tentacruel | 0.082% | 8.2 | 23:36 |
Geodude | 1.19% | 119 | 00:40 |
Graveler | 0.071% | 7.1 | 04:53 |
Golem | 0.0047% | 0.47 | 00:16 |
Ponyta | 0.51% | 51 | 02:50 |
Rapidash | 0.011% | 1.1 | 04:00 |
Slowpoke | 1.05% | 105 | 07:12 |
Slowbro | 0.036% | 3.6 | 02:56 |
Magnemite | 0.71% | 71 | 04:04 |
Magneton | 0.023% | 2.3 | 15:25 |
Farfetch’d | 0.0212% | 2.12 | 01:09 |
Doduo | 0.52% | 52 | 05:10 |
Dodrio | 0.22% | 22 | 02:12 |
Seel | 0.28% | 28 | 06:46 |
Dewgong | 0.013% | 1.3 | 06:04 |
Grimer | 0.052% | 5.2 | 15:11 |
Muk | 0.0031% | 0.31 | 01:28 |
Shellder | 0.52% | 52 | 07:39 |
Cloyster | 0.015% | 1.5 | 02:33 |
Gastly | 0.79% | 79 | 04:21 |
Haunter | 0.052% | 5.2 | 12:10 |
Gengar | 0.0067% | 0.67 | 03:55 |
Onix | 0.10% | 10 | 01:18 |
Drowzee | 3.21% | 321 | 01:51 |
Hypno | 0.10% | 10 | 02:17 |
Krabby | 2.12% | 212 | 03:33 |
Kingler | 0.062% | 6.2 | 03:44 |
Voltorb | 0.65% | 65 | 04:36 |
Electrode | 0.02% | 2 | 04:10 |
Exeggcute | 0.78% | 78 | 09:09 |
Exeggutor | 0.014% | 1.4 | 00:34 |
Cubone | 0.61% | 61 | 01:51 |
Marowak | 0.02% | 2 | 03:59 |
Hitmonlee | 0.02% | 2 | 03:59 |
Hitmonchan | 0.022% | 2.2 | 05:58 |
Lickitung | 0.011% | 1.1 | 02:46 |
Koffing | 0.20% | 20 | 08:16 |
Weezing | 0.016% | 1.6 | 12:17 |
Rhyhorn | 0.63% | 63 | 03:21 |
Rhydon | 0.022% | 2.2 | 05:50 |
Chansey | 0.013% | 1.3 | 04:46 |
Tangela | 0.228% | 22.8 | 23:13 |
Kangaskhan | 0.0086% | 0.86 | 02:40 |
Horsea | 1.13% | 113 | 02:53 |
Seadra | 0.034% | 3.4 | 03:18 |
Goldeen | 2.18% | 218 | 03:14 |
Seaking | 0.08% | 8 | 05:21 |
Staryu | 1.95% | 195 | 22:59 |
Starmie | 0.034% | 3.4 | 06:57 |
Mr. Mime | 0.0031% | 0.31 | 01:51 |
Scyther | 0.14% | 14 | 05:43 |
Jynx | 0.35% | 35 | 05:41 |
Electabuzz | 0.074% | 7.4 | 04:28 |
Magmar | 0.10% | 10 | 20:36 |
Pinsir | 0.99% | 99 | 03:25 |
Tauros | 0.12% | 12 | 12:37 |
Magikarp | 4.78% | 478 | 14:26 |
Gyrados | 0.0032% | 0.32 | 02:15 |
Lapras | 0.006% | 0.6 | 08:59 |
Ditto | – | – | – |
Eevee | 2.75% | 275 | 05:32 |
Vaporean | 0.014% | 1.4 | 10:54 |
Jolteon | 0.012% | 1.2 | 02:30 |
Flareon | 0.017% | 1.7 | 07:02 |
Porygon | 0.012% | 1.2 | 02:49 |
Omanyte | 0.14% | 14 | 10:23 |
Omastar | 0.0061% | 0.61 | 05:04 |
Kabuto | 0.10% | 10 | 12:05 |
Kabutops | 0.0032% | 0.32 | 23:40 |
Aerodactyl | 0.018% | 1.8 | 23:40 |
Snorlax | 0.016% | 1.6 | 23:40 |
Articuno | – | – | – |
Zapdos | – | – | – |
Moltres | – | – | – |
Dratini | 0.30% | 30 | 06:41 |
Dragonair | 0.02% | 2 | 11:57 |
Dragonite | 0.0011% | 0.11 | 23:38 |
Mewtwo | – | – | – |
Mew | – | – | – |
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